Acing Technical Interviews

Acing Technical Interviews

Identifying the Symptoms: Debugging Your Life

Just like any bug in your code, the first step is identifying the problem. Some symptoms of developer burnout may include:

  • Lack of Motivation: You can't seem to get excited about new projects or challenges, like a program stuck in an infinite loop.

  • Reduced Productivity: You're working long hours, but your 'output' doesn't match up. It's as if your mental CPU has been throttled.

  • Emotional Exhaustion: You feel drained and devoid of energy, similar to a battery that's constantly at 1%.

  • Impaired Concentration: Focusing becomes a challenge. Imagine your thoughts as multiple browser tabs, and you just can't seem to close any.

Understanding the Causes: Tracing the Stack

Several factors can contribute to developer burnout:

  • Deadline Pressure: The never-ending sprints and tight deadlines can make you feel like you're perpetually fetching data without any caching.

  • Lack of Work-Life Balance: Constantly being "on-call" blurs the boundaries between work and personal life. It's like an application with no separation of concerns.

  • Monotonous Work: Doing the same type of coding day in, day out, can be like getting stuck refactoring legacy code forever.

  • Imposter Syndrome: That nagging feeling of inadequacy, as if you’re a junior developer forever looking up Stack Overflow answers for senior-level tasks.

Preventive Measures: Early Optimisations

They say prevention is better than cure. Here are some ways to prevent burnout:

  • Take Breaks: Use the Pomodoro Technique, 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. Think of it as short, frequent commits rather than one large push.

  • Set Boundaries: Have a dedicated workspace and set working hours. Like setting permissions on an API, know what to allow and what to block.

  • Seek Help: Talk openly about your feelings and workload with managers or HR. It's like commenting your code; it offers clarity and direction.

Recovery Mode: How to Reboot

If you're already experiencing burnout, here are some steps to bounce back:

  • Step Back: Take some time off to recharge. It's akin to turning off your computer when it starts to lag, giving it a fresh start upon reboot.

  • Consult a Professional: Sometimes, it helps to have an expert 'debug' your emotional state, much like you'd consult a senior developer for a complex coding problem.

  • Switch Tasks: If possible, work on something different. If you've been neck-deep in frontend work, maybe it's time to dabble in some backend or DevOps. Consider it cross-training your developer skills.

  • Healthy Habits: Eat well, exercise, and get adequate sleep. Just as you'd optimise code for performance, optimise your body and mind for well-being.

Wrapping Up: Comments and Documentation

Just like how you can't write flawless code every time, you can't be at peak performance always. It's essential to acknowledge burnout as a 'bug' in your life's program and take meaningful steps to 'debug' it. The best part is, you don’t have to go at it alone. A support system of friends, family, and professionals can act like your version control, helping you revert to a healthier, happier state.

Remember, you're not just a code-writing machine; you're a complex human being capable of growth and change. So, let's insert some 'self-care' routines into our codebase, shall we?

Happy coding, and even happier living! photo-1541199249251-f713e6145474.jpeg developer-burnout-understanding-system-overload-ways-reboot 1698732300219 691f16cb-ece1-4071-8cda-9bc76cfa650c Test-Driven Development: Is It Falling Behind the Times? Hello, code aficionados! Today we're going to delve into a topic that has stirred up quite a bit of discussion in the programming community: Test-Driven Development (TDD). Much like a software project, development methodologies also evolve over time, and some practices get a second look as technology advances. Today, we'll do just that with TDD—explore some reasons why it may be considered a bit dated by some folks.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to bash TDD or say it's a bad practice. I'm here to explore some cons of the approach, to help you make a more informed choice. Let's begin, shall we?

Takes Time: The Slow Start

Starting off with TDD means writing your tests before you even write the code that's being tested. It’s like setting up unit tests for a function that’s yet to be implemented—exciting but also time-consuming. The idea is noble, ensuring that every line of code written has been tested. However, the reality is that writing tests upfront can slow down the initial development phase, which may not always be ideal, especially for startups and projects under tight deadlines.

Can Lead to Over-Engineering

Oh, we developers do love our elegant, abstract solutions! TDD can sometimes lead you down a rabbit hole of over-engineering your code. Because you're so focused on passing those tests, you might build functionalities that are too complex for what is actually needed. It's like creating a multi-threaded, load-balanced solution for a problem that a simple for-loop could solve.

Not Ideal for All Types of Testing

TDD is mainly focused on unit testing, leaving other types of tests like integration, system, or acceptance tests as an afterthought. It's like putting all your eggs in the 'unit tests' basket and then realizing you need other baskets too! Sure, you can adapt TDD for other kinds of tests, but it doesn't natively guide you there.

Evolutionary Design Challenges

In TDD, the design evolves along with the tests and code. But sometimes, this evolutionary process can create a messy design if not managed well. It's like building a house by randomly adding bricks and hoping it turns into a mansion. Without a broader architectural view, your project can end up being a collection of well-tested but poorly integrated components.

The Maintenance Factor

Tests require maintenance. Every time you change a feature, you'll likely have to update your tests as well. Now, maintaining your code is one thing; maintaining your code and your tests can become cumbersome. Imagine having to maintain the manual for a device as often as you update the device itself. Sounds exhausting, doesn’t it?

Learning Curve

TDD has a learning curve, especially for new developers. Understanding how to write good tests takes time. It’s like understanding git when you’re a newcomer—initially bewildering, with a promise of long-term benefit. But until you get there, it can be frustrating and might deter some from following the best practices.

No Silver Bullet

Lastly, TDD is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It's just one methodology among many. Sometimes, it’s like using JavaScript for everything just because it's popular; it works, but is it the best tool for every job? Depending on the project requirements, other methodologies like Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) or even good old-fashioned waterfall might be more suitable.

Wrap-Up: Outdated or Just Misunderstood?

So, is TDD outdated? The answer is nuanced. Like any methodology, TDD has its strengths and weaknesses. The technology landscape is continually evolving, and practices that were once considered gold standards are bound to get scrutinized.

What’s important is not whether TDD is outdated but whether it's the right fit for your project. It’s about choosing the right tool for the job, rather than sticking to one tool for every job. After all, you wouldn't use a hammer to screw in a light bulb, would you?

I hope this exploration into the not-so-rosy aspects of TDD has been helpful. It’s a methodology that still has its merits but acknowledging its limitations allows us to make more informed decisions in our coding journey.

Happy coding, and may your tests always pass when you want them to! photo-1576444356170-66073046b1bc.jpeg test-driven-development-falling-behind-times 1697547401000 0a0e68b0-14b6-441c-8991-e51e32cb8747 Acing the Technical Interview: Methodologies and Resources Hello aspiring tech wizards! Technical interviews can often seem like a daunting maze. But guess what? With the right methodology, you can navigate it just as you would refactor a spaghetti codebase into a clean, modular architecture. Today, let's delve into how you can prep for a technical interview and the sources that will serve as your best 'references.'

Understand the Format

Before diving into binary trees and sorting algorithms, understand what the interview process entails. Will it be just one round of coding, or will you also face system design questions, behavioral interviews, and perhaps even a 'cultural fit' round? Knowing the structure will help you focus your prep efforts efficiently, like knowing the specs before you start coding.


  1. Company Website
  2. Glassdoor Interview Experiences
  3. Reach out to current employees via LinkedIn

Data Structures and Algorithms: The Core Concepts

Much like how a program is incomplete without variables and functions, your preparation is incomplete without a solid understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms (DS&A).

Topics to Focus On:

  • Arrays and Strings
  • Linked Lists
  • Trees and Graphs
  • Sorting and Searching Algorithms
  • Dynamic Programming



  • "Cracking the Coding Interview" by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
  • "Algorithms" by Robert Sedgewick


  • LeetCode
  • HackerRank

System Design: The Bigger Picture

Not all interviews focus solely on DS&A. System design interviews are often used to assess your ability to design complex systems. It’s like shifting from building toy blocks (single algorithms) to constructing a whole building (a complete system).

Topics to Focus On:

  • Database Design
  • Scalability
  • APIs
  • Caching Strategies



  • "System Design Interview" by Alex Xu
  • "Designing Data-Intensive Applications" by Martin Kleppmann


  • System Design Primer on GitHub
  •'s "Grokking the System Design Interview"

Soft Skills: The Underestimated Powerhouse

While hard skills demonstrate your technical proficiency, soft skills reflect your ability to communicate, collaborate, and fit into the company culture. Treat this part as a 'code review' session where you showcase not just your code but also how you present and justify your choices.

Topics to Focus On:

  • Problem-solving Approach
  • Communication Skills
  • Team Collaboration



  • "Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual" by John Sonmez

Online Resources:

  • Pramp’s Behavioral Interview Practice
  • LinkedIn Learning Courses on Soft Skills

Mock Interviews: The Dry Run

Just as you can’t know the efficiency of an algorithm without running it, you can’t truly assess your preparation without mock interviews.



  • Pramp
  • Peer Mock Interviews: Grab a friend and simulate the interview experience.

Tracking Progress: Your Personal Git

Keep track of your progress and revisit areas where you lacked. Consider maintaining a document where you note down your mistakes, questions you found challenging, and their optimal solutions. Think of this as your personal Git repository for interview preparation.

Community Help: Your Dev Forums

Never underestimate the power of community. Be it Reddit, Discord servers, or even old-school forums, these platforms can offer you real-time advice, solutions, and moral support.


  • Reddit’s r/cscareerquestions
  • Blind’s Tech Lounge

The Final Push: Days Leading to D-Day

In the final days, revise, relax, and most importantly, get a good night’s sleep before the interview. It’s the same as having a well-rested machine; performance peaks when rested!


  • Last-minute glance at “Cracking the Coding Interview”
  • Skim through your 'Personal Git' of mistakes and learnings.

Wrapping Up

Technical interviews are challenging, but they’re not insurmountable. With a disciplined methodology and the right resources, you can equip yourself to face them head-on. So let's initialize our interview preparation repository and start committing to it daily!

Good luck, and may the code be with you!
